
Update on NAR Realtor Lawsuit: Waiting….

Today, I want to address a significant development in the real estate industry that you likely heard about, but has left some Realtors wondering, what is next? This is regarding the National Association of Realtors (NAR) lawsuit. This update is especially crucial for our agents, but it’s also for the general public to stay informed about the ongoing changes in our industry.

As you may already be aware, the NAR was found liable in a lawsuit that will lead to rule changes in the way MLS commissions are handled. This lawsuit has been a hot topic of discussion within our industry, and understandably, it has raised questions and concerns among real estate professionals and clients alike. The lawsuit and jury findings indicate that MLS’s will no longer be able to offer buyer agents commissions on listings, and that the buyer commission cannot be pre-negotiated through the seller. That does not mean buyer agents are not paid – it just means the buyer agent commission has to be negotiated (much like commercial agents). However, as of today, we have no changes. There is no court order or MLS rule changes regarding how the commission part of a listing is handled on the MLS. So, for now:

  1. Wait and see: Changes in industry regulations, especially through legal processes, can be complex and time-consuming. Be on the look out for guidance from your MLS (Multiple Listing Service), the court, or me before making any adjustments to commission practices. If you haven’t already, buyer agents, before showing any property need to get into the habit of obtaining Buyer Broker Agreements. This establishes your entitlement to a commission before working for the client (showing property for example). We will be talking more about this. This is also not new, but when obtaining a listing, advise your clients that the offered buyer agent commission is negotiable. One relatively new adjustment is the offered commission can be zero at least per MLS policy. If you have questions, you can reach out to me.
  2. Potential for Appeal: It’s worth noting that legal matters often involve appeals and counter-arguments. In this case, an appeal is expected, which could influence the final outcome of the lawsuit. We must be prepared for the possibility that the initial ruling may not be the final word on this matter. Unless / until there is an order from the court enjoining any kind of rule or conduct, then we proceed as usual.
  3. Settlement Possibility: Lawsuits of this nature sometimes result in settlements where both parties agree to specific rule changes or compromises. While we await further developments, it’s essential to stay open to the potential for negotiated resolutions that may affect our industry.
  4. Obtain a Buyer Broker Representation Agreement: It is worth repeating: buyer agents, obtain a buyer broker agreement before showing property! If you are representing any client, you cannot and will not be compensated until you obtain a written agreement establishing your right to be be paid. This really should not be a change for agents, but unfortunately, the MLS has made Realtors in residential sales lax in this regard – agents have become lazy because they knew if they showed a property, they were likely (not certain) to get a commission because they would write the offer (which established the commission) and knew what the commission would be up front through the MLS. Now our rules are changing! It was always the best practice to get a buyer broker representation agreement anyways because an unsigned prospective client could still have hired another agent, leaving you at best with a “procuring cause” argument which often is weak anyways. Get the Buyer Broker Representation Agreement signed early on!

I will update you when we have required changes due to any rule changes or court orders.

If you have any questions, please let me know!


Chuck @ Independent Realtors


How AI is Revolutionizing Realtors

It turns out that even in the ancient dinosaur industry of real estate, staying ahead of the technology curve is crucial. Recently, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has caught the world off guard, but at our firm, we’ve embraced it. It is reshaping our business and client experience. Here’s a glimpse into how AI is becoming the cornerstone of our operations.

AI: The New Team Member in Real Estate

Our adoption of AI isn’t just a trend; it’s a transformation. AI tools like ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, Claude and others have become indispensable for research, drafting emails, data analysis, and even assisting with complex mathematical calculations. This technological integration has streamlined our processes, making us more efficient and effective. These tools are both available in free versions, or premium paid versions. Our office uses both premium and free AI services.

A Dramatic Recent AI Success Story

A recent experience with a friend’s urgent landlord issue illustrates AI’s impact vividly. What would have taken me hours to address previously took me about 15 minutes. My friend was a landlord with trailers on his land, through which he provided families affordable housing. The County determined it was illegal. I wanted to respond swiftly. Housing affordability and homelessness are hot topics nationwide, in California, and where my friend’s land is in Ventura County. Using AI, I conducted rapid research of the violation based on his description, identifying the specific violation. This enabled me to craft a coherent and persuasive response to the county board of supervisors in under 15 minutes. A fast response would be needed if the Supervisors wanted to reverse course and help these families that were being evicted (though it didn’t in this case). The point here is that in under 15 minutes, I was able to persuasively highlight the contradiction between local laws on RV residential use and statewide housing policies amidst a homelessness crisis. AI’s speed and efficiency were game-changers here. Even though the email was not successful, it did get 2 responses from Supervisors, and their responses indicated they understood the issue.

Training Agents in AI: A Game-Changer

Recognizing the potential of AI, we offer comprehensive training to our agents. This empowers them to leverage AI tools for various tasks, such as market analysis, marketing content creation, mathematical calculations, and customer interactions. Our agents are equipped to handle challenges with greater ease, thanks to AI’s capabilities.

AI’s Invisible Hand: Enhancing Client Experience

While our clients may not directly interact with AI, its impact makes us better and more efficient and they probably notice that. AI aids us in creating compelling marketing content, formulating swift email responses, and conducting thorough research. This invisible assistance ensures our clients receive top-tier service and up-to-date information, enhancing their experience with us.

AI in Real Estate: No Longer a Choice but a Necessity

In today’s fast-paced market, AI is not just an option; it’s a necessity for any forward-thinking real estate professional. It’s a powerful ally that helps us stay competitive, informed, and efficient. By integrating AI into our practices, we’re not just keeping up with the times; we’re setting new standards in the real estate industry.

The Future is Here

Our journey with AI is just beginning. As we continue to explore its vast potential, we’re excited about the possibilities it holds for transforming our business and the real estate industry at large. We’re not just adopting technology; we’re adopting a new way of thinking and operating. This is the future of real estate, and we’re proud to be at the forefront.

Embracing AI has revolutionized how we do business. It’s not just a tool; it’s our partner in driving success and innovation in the real estate realm.

by Chuck Hamm

What is a Booking Confirmation and How to Prepare it? Travel

What is a Booking Confirmation and How to Prepare it?

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